Sunday, January 31, 2010

Party Planner WOW! Have A Unforgettable And Fantastic Party "Use A Professional Part Planner" For All Your Parties

WOW! Scavenger Hunt Party Planner Can Help You Get Outstanding Parties - Starting Today
Wouldn't you agree that it's crazy to think that we pull our hair out when ever we think about holding a party. whether its for a Christmas Party, Company picnic, Birthday party, church group, A staff & family barbecue
Slumber Party, Family reunion, or any party you intend to have. It can be frightening making sure that you have enough food, Drinks, Party Hats, where to hold the party and what date suits everyone. Making sure you've invited everyone. But there's one thing you wont need to worry about with the help of " Scavenger Hunt Party " The party entertainment and games. Game can be very expensive and time consuming, with all the running around shop to shop trying to find the right game that you think your guest will enjoy and not only one game it could be three or more. You want your party to be Unforgettable! And Fantastic That's where I come in. My name is Nikki Wilson I'm a professional party planner I spend my days (and evenings) organizing parties large and small for the good and the great. You see, I've just completed a new eBook called Scavenger Hunt Party Planner that gives you a step-by-step formula for creating your own outstanding scavenger hunt that will make your party unforgettable.

Read What Some Off  The Customers Have to Say About 'Scavenger Hunt Party'
Stock Image Dreamstime - Download Free Stock Images and PhotosUSA...."Hi Nikki, We had the scavenger hunt around town.It was a lot of fun.  Thanks for the tips to prepare the scavenger hunt.  It set me in the right direction to personalize the hunt for our town."

USA...."Dear Nikki, You're the best. I am all fired up now. I have been doing this for years and it has to be better each year. That becomes daunting. I love your ideas for our Scavenger Hunt."

London United Kingdom.... 'It was great. Most enjoyable item was definitely best freebies from Self-ridges make-up dept - they came back with bag loads! All opportunities for extra points were definitely taken up and therefore having a digital camera was great as we had the hen with groom and best men of another wedding party, the hen sitting in some hen sitting in some ambassador's car, the team doing maypole dancing etc etc.

Colorado USA "Hi Nikki, My son is having his 'half' birthday at school because it is during the summer. We did the Pirate Treasure Hunt Game for his whole birthday last summer. Anyway, he asked me if we were going to do a 'really great and cool party like last time' for his half birthday. So 6 months later he still remembers the Pirate Treasure Hunt and still thinks it was cool! I thought I would keep this Scavenger Hunt on hand." 

Some of the events where our games have been played...
My daughters' 13th birthday. The party will be around our pool, and we have about 15 acres of lawn to use. BBQ and swimming. About 30 kids, and 20 parents.

Back To School - Treasure Hunt in my backyard for neighbors, family, and friends. I plan to turn the treasure hunt into an annual community event.

Part of a larger fund raising event for Orphans of Aids Victims in Africa. I have a 60 acre piece of property with about 5 acres of woods with trails etc.

am planning a picnic for our church group, and it will be over 100 people there. We are having it at a local park and will have access to it only 1 hr before people will start arriving. The park is a large grass area with a shelter in the middle

A company party. There are about 15 employees and their families—so a total of about 30 people. In a park and have all ages participate---mix it up a little so people get to know each other.

My husband and I are throwing a b-b-q for some people that were very involved with the re-landscaping of our yard. It'll pretty much be all adults, with the exception of a few little ones (3 and under).

Our neighborhood has a Ladies Bun-co group. Each June, we host a poolside party which has a theme. This year, our theme is Pirates. The ages of the women are from 30 to 50.

  Here is the Extensive Table of Some of The Contents from The Scavenger Hunt Party planner
The Scavenger Hunt Playing Area + Moving + Transportation + The Scavenger Hunt List
Around the Home + Across the Neighborhood + Outside, In the Park + On the Beach + At the Pool +
Around Town + In the Mall + Intrastate + At the School + Collecting Items + Alternative Ideas + Photo Hunt
Observation +  Video Challenge. Come And Have A Look At More Here  

There are no less than 370 Scavenger Hunt ideas contains in this book. Yes that's Three Hundred and Seventy
Just think! Don't spend hours planning ineffectual games – make your life simple – run a professional scavenger hunt.
The fun is guaranteed.